Monday, March 16, 2009

Let's help to keep NBE beautiful!

Mrs. Taylor sent us an invitation to the following event:

Are you ready to get your hands dirty so Neptune Beach Elementary can look beautiful again?! The first flower bed cleaning/pruning will be Tuesday, March 24th from 3:15pm until around 5:00pm. Meet in the Courtyard.
The second day will be Thursday March 26th, if another day is needed. April 12th - 18th is National Environmental Education Week and April 22nd is Earth Day. These days will be the planting days!! Any and all donations for plants and trees will be appreciated! Start asking now. :-)
All volunteers will need to bring any necessary equipment to aide in gardening. (gloves, shovels, pruning shears, wheel-barrows, rakes, etc.)
Hope to see you there! Oh yes...and don't forget your water!