Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are celebrating “Winter holidays” in our classroom with fun festivities before Winter Break! Each day, your child will participate in listening to a holiday “Read-Aloud” story and the following hand’s on activities:
Monday, December 14: “Paint a Snow-man or Snow-woman Day!” We will read, Snowmen At Night and make our own 3-D snowmen!
Tuesday, December 15: “Holiday Cards & Ornaments Day!” We will read, Silver Packages and make our own special packages for family members.
Wednesday, December 16: Polar Express Pajama Day! Students will come to school in their comfortable “PJ’s.” We will read, The Polar Express and watch the movie while sipping on delicious hot chocolate!)
*Bring your family to lunch today! We will have a pizza party in the classroom from 11:30-12:30 p.m. Please join us! $2.00 per person is required for those having pizza- including parents! Check the box at the bottom of this sheet to let us know if you or your child will be eating pizza so that we know how many boxes to pre-order!
We look forward to a fun filled last week and would appreciate your help in bringing in any of the following items. Please sign up for what you may be able to bring in by next Monday, December 7th. We will need all of the items in by Friday, December 11th.
___ 1 bag of small pretzel sticks (for the snowmen)
___ Juice boxes (at least 30)
___ Paper plates
___ Styrofoam cups (for the hot chocolate!)
___ Plastic spoons
___ 1 bag of mini marshmallows
___ Cookies (Any kind!)
___ Hot chocolate packets