Monday, September 29, 2008

Progress Reports

We are a bit behind in getting progress reports to you. They will go home this week! Please be sure to sign and return after you see them. Thank You!

Students of the Month

Our October Character Trait is: Fairness. Cage was selected to be our October Student of the Month! He treats everyone in the class with respect and helps others when he finishes his work! Way to go, Cage!

Our September Character Trait was: Responsibility. We chose Gabby because she promptly turns in all homework and classroom assignments. She always offers help to teachers and students. Awesome job, Gabby!

We are very proud of these students and look forward to announcing more each month!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Science Test tomorrow!

The following review was given out in class today.

Chapter 2: Animals Test Review
(Test Wednesday, September 24th!)

1. What is a vertebrate? Know examples.

2. What is an invertebrate? Know examples.

3. What are adaptations? Know examples of animals that have special adaptations.

4. What does it mean to inherit something? *Give an example!

5. What are instincts?

6. What are mammals and how can you tell if an animal is one?

7. What does it mean to be camouflage?

8. What does it mean to say that dinosaurs are extinct?

9. Know the 4 things animals need to survive: oxygen, water, food and shelter.

10. What does it mean if animals are endangered?

**Remember we talked about wild animal facts! There may be questions on some of the following animals we each presented on in class: elephant, owl, cobra snake, alligator, bald eagle, polar bear, chimpanzee, octopus, tiger shark, Siberian tiger, coyote, etc!

Don't forget to study! :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Family Safari Night!

Just a reminder to our families: Tomorrow night (Friday, September 19th at 6:30 p.m.) is Family Safari Night! The Jacksonville Zoo will be there with live animal encounters.

*Bring 5 box-tops and you get a free set of binoculars! ;) Students who attend will also receive a "No Homework" pass for the night of their choice. We hope you can attend!

Edible Math!

We had so much fun today using Hershey's chocolate bars to do math! First, we read Jerry Palotta's, Hershey's Milk Chocolate Multiplication Book. Next, students had to make arrays (organized number patterns) to solve multiplication. After all of the hard work, we enjoyed eating the delicious treat! Thanks to everyone for bringing in the candy bars for another fun math lesson!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wild about plants!

Science Test on Plants (Chapter 1) is tomorrow! Please be sure to re-read the chapter and study! The following questions were sent home on a study guide:

Chapter 1: Plants Test Review

1. Know the difference between deciduous and coniferous

2. What do roots do?

3. What do flowers do?

4. What are seedlings?

5. What does germinate mean?

6. Know the 4 main parts of a plant: roots, stem, leaves and flower.

7. Know how to draw and label a plant with the 4 main parts.

8. What can plants do that animals cannot?

9. Know the 4 things plants need to survive: wind, water, sunlight and soil. (Space to grow)

10. Which part of the plant stores food for the seed?

11. What is a seed coat?

12. What does extinct mean?

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Homework Schedule

We were delighted that so many families came for Open House on Thursday! :) Thank you again for showing support. As a response to many questions regarding homework, we sent home the following letter on Friday. Hope this helps!

September 5, 2008
Dear Parents,

Due to the concern about homework at our Open House last night, we have decided to improve our weekly homework schedule. Our goal was not to overwhelm the students and the parents, but instead to provide ample practice and experience with the types of questions found on tests mandated by the district. We have decreased the amount of assignments and hope that you find this much easier. We want to emphasize that we are extremely flexible and willing to work with you and your child. Please know that you can come to us anytime and that we are happy to accommodate the needs of each student.

Listed below is the revised homework schedule. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support.

Math will continue to be a review sheet based on investigations. Students will only be required to complete 20 problems for the week. It is recommended that they only work on only 5 problems a night. (We will also go over Student Sheets in class and will not send them home.)

Spelling will continue to be 3 activities chosen by the student from the Spelling homework sheet. This is due every Thursday before we take our weekly Spelling test.

Vocabulary will always be stapled in their planner but they are not required to learn how to spell these words. Vocabulary words and definitions are included in the “open book” weekly reading test students take on Thursdays during Reader’s Workshop.

We encourage students to read for 10 minutes each night still and are only asking you to sign in their planners each day after they read. (For example, you can write “10 minutes” and initial) We will no longer be using a weekly log as an extra item for students to keep track of. We also will not be requiring students to write a response although they are always welcome to share the title of the book being read in the planner.)

Lastly, we will keep reading response journals and science homework to in-class activities only. Instead of requiring this work each week, students will be responsible for writing a response in their journals as they finish a chapter book. They can turn them in anytime and will have ample class time to work on these. We will type up a study guide for science when a test is coming and allow students to bring home the textbook to review. (Please remind them to bring these back to class the next day if they take it home).

Your Teachers,

Miss Fisher & Mrs. McCaffrey